I’m / I’d / I’ll
An accent-less Texan / always prefer to be on an adventure or in nature / always have my camera and music ready to go

I ask people…  
Would You Rather questions almost exclusively when I first get to know them

[Would you rather have 1,000 spoons when all you need is a knife or always have a knife but never be able to use spoons?]

I only dance to… 
Abba or Latin dance mixes. If you hear a song that is both - send it my way ASAP

I eat… 
Lactose fully knowing my stomach is up for a fight. But you know what they say “Love [baked brie] is worth fighting for” 

I drink… 
McDonalds Sprite, not nearly enough water, and champagne if we are feeling a lil festive

I prefer… 
To fall asleep with my socks on and kick them off in my sleep (crazy, I know) 

I would bring… 
Snacks and a strong passion to go a little rogue.